Do Wasps Sleep at Night? (Can They Attack After Dark?)

do wasps sleep at night?

You’ve likely heard countless times that you should attack wasp nests at dusk. But are the wasps really all asleep in the nest at night, or are they secretly waiting to strike any invaders? Knowing when wasps are least active gives you the best chance of taking out an entire wasp nest when dealing with … Read more

What Does Bed Bug Poop Look Like? (Identify Their Droppings)

bed bug droppings on mattress

Bed bugs are one of the most irritating pests to infest the homes of people or hotel rooms that they stay in. These little bugs can be extremely hard to eliminate. Therefore, it becomes essential to know about the infestation when they’re low in numbers. For that, finding bed bug poop is one of the … Read more

Tiny Black Bugs in Kitchen (How to Eliminate Them Effectively)

tiny black bugs in kitchen

Have you ever noticed tiny black critters in kitchen and wondered what they were? Perhaps they were the size of poppy or sesame seeds, or maybe they’re a little bit bigger. Tiny black bugs are a common pest problem in many homes, especially in kitchens due to the easy food availability. Some of these bugs … Read more

Wasp Bombs & Foggers (Effective for Wasps & Yellow Jackets?)

wasp bomb and fogger

Bug bombs are very popular when it comes to dealing with a pest infestation inside your house. They’re cheap, effective, and easy to use. By using two to three foggers at a time in your house, you can get rid of many different household pests simultaneously. Now, we know that they work well on fleas, … Read more

Does Peppermint Oil Repel Wasps, Yellow Jackets, and Hornets?

peppermint oil for wasps

No one wants wasps flying near their home as these insects are dangerous and can sting you multiple times. So, how do you get rid of a wasp nest when you discover one near your home? The obvious choice would be some commercial wasp killing spray or wasp traps but in many cases, you don’t … Read more

How to Get Frogs Out of Your Septic Tank

frog in septic tank

As if trying to clean out and maintain your septic tank didn’t already make you want to croak, dealing with frogs making their home inside the tank can be an unwelcome surprise. However, don’t stress. There are several methods that can help you get rid of these uninvited guests from your septic system quickly and … Read more

How Long Can Cockroaches Live Without Food or Water?

cockroach eating food

There’s an old saying: The only things that will survive a nuclear winter are cockroaches and Twinkies. Well, Family Guy already proved that Twinkies can last forever, but what about roaches? Just how long can cockroaches survive without food or water, and how long can they live overall? Let’s take a moment to look at … Read more

How to Prevent Frogs From Entering Your Home

frogs on door

There are many pros and cons to having frogs on your property. But sometimes the frog population begins to get too big for the insect population to provide adequate food. Knowing how to prevent frogs from entering house and home isn’t some well-kept secret. However, it can seem like an uphill battle if you aren’t … Read more

Are Frogs Harmful to Have Around Your Home?

frogs in the yard

Frogs are a popular addition to aquariums and are often welcome as garden protectors, but are they really safe to have around? There are many species out there that release dangerous toxins when threatened. So how do you know if you’re dealing with poisonous frog species or safe ones, and what other potential problems could they … Read more