How to Get Rid of Frogs

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Frogs are some interesting critters. Some people race them for sport, others cook them, and some are at risk of croaking at the mere sight of one. But as ribbiting as old faerie tales involving these amphibians might be for kids, most adults have no desire to see one taking up residence in their backyard.

Here’s everything you need to know about frogs and how to get rid of frogs quickly from your yard, pool, or garden.

Related: How to Get Rid of Toads (Humanely)

Getting to Know Frogs

As you probably already know, frogs are amphibians which begin their lives underwater. As they grow older, they develop legs, lose their tails, and gain the ability to breathe air. While a few invasive species such as the Cuban tree frog (Osteopilus septentrionalis) are poisonous, most native frog species found in the US are harmless.

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There are thousands of frog species living in most parts of the world. Some species are so small they can fit on a fingernail! Love them or hate them, frogs are fascinating little critters that will always have our attention.

Frog Life Cycle

Just about everyone knows that frogs start their lives as tadpoles, but the transformation is a lot more complex than it first seems. It’s a good idea to cover all of the changes a frog goes through to get a better idea of their needs, preferences, and weaknesses.

Frogs most commonly lay their eggs in clusters, preferring still water to the cluster isn’t pulled apart. Agitating the water during this stage of the life cycle may result in destroying some eggs or discouraging frogs from laying their eggs in that location.

One the eggs have hatched, the resulting tadpoles begin feeding off of whatever’s in their surroundings. Tadpoles have rasping mouthparts instead of teeth. Depending on the species, these may be optimized for plants, insects, or even plankton. The tadpoles will eventually develop legs and their tails will shrink into nothingness. Their mouth structure will also change, developing a row of teeth in the upper jaw.

Exceptions to the Rule

There’s one other thing they don’t teach in schools about the frog life cycle. Some species of frogs are what we commonly refer to as toads. Much like mice and rats, there’s no official scientific distinction between a frog and toad.

However, toads add quite a few exceptions to the rule. For example, some frogs lay their eggs on land. Others give live births. And some species of toads will completely skip the tadpole phase. We’ll stalk more about toads later.

Frog Habitats

You may have learned as a child that frogs have to live by water, but this isn’t always the case. Of the 5,000 known species worldwide, some remain aquatic while others dwell in trees. A few species even live in the desert, hibernating during the dry season!

As their diet is based almost entirely on insects such as flies, mosquitoes, moths, and even May beetles, once they reach adulthood, frogs prefer marshy or muddy areas to large bodies of water. This is one reason you’ll most often find them invading your property after a heavy rain.

Related: How to Get Rid of Cluster Flies

What Do Frogs Eat?

Frogs are some of the least picky eaters. They’re most often carnivores, and like toads, will eat just about anything that fits in their mouth.

Some of their favorite meals include: crickets, house flies, fruit flies, crane flies, moths, grasshoppers, worms, springtails, mosquitos, snails, spiders, butterflies, dragonflies, and beetles.

Even baby frogs eat a variety of foods but some are limited to algae or plankton since they don’t have any teeth in their upper jaws like adult frogs.

Benefits of Frogs

Frogs are crucial to insect population control. Unlike bats, you’re not likely to run into a rabid frog, so they’re much safer to have around. They’re also an important paleo meat, providing low-fat, omega-3 rich deliciousness (so long as you know they were farm-raised).

In the garden, frogs can be highly beneficial (although you may still want to deter frogs from getting in your garden). Their love of insects and grubs gives you a natural pest control method. Unlike many other natural bug controllers, they don’t harm plants and their protein-rich droppings can help enrich the soil for certain plants.

Frog vs Toad

Frog vs Toad comparison

There are actually quite a few differences between these two critters, despite toads being technically a type of frog. However, centuries of distinctions made in both folklore and pop culture have resulted in toads being unofficially regarded as their own type of amphibian.

Here are just a few of these differences:

  • Legs: Toads have shorter, stubbier legs than their kin.
  • Ova: Frogs lay their eggs in clusters, while toads tend to lay eggs in chains or even give live births.
  • Skin: Frogs have smooth skin which can feel slimy to the touch, while toads have dry, bumpy skin (which contributed to the myth that touching a toad causes warts).
  • Teeth: While rarely considered, frogs actually have vomerine teeth located in the upper jaw.
  • Taste: While both species are edible, frogs (specifically the bullfrog) are preferred in culinary circles.
  • Water: Frogs thrive in a moist or swampy environment, whereas toads are better adapted to dry climates.

Note that it can be easy to mistake a bullfrog for a toad. These big, plump frogs have bumpier skin than other frogs and the African variant actually has ridges along its back. One easy way to distinguish them from toads is the hint of yellow on their upper lip which is shaped as though they’re wearing lipstick.

Why do Frogs Croak at Night?

Frogs have two major reasons for croaking: attracting a mate and warning other frogs to stay out of their territory. Bullfrogs can be especially loud croakers. A major part of the reason they reserve their calls for nighttime (beyond the more romantic mood lighting) is the fact that their position becomes exposed to predators.

Whether they attract a female with great legs or become lunch for a couple hungry hooters is often down to blind luck, but at least nighttime calls can reduce the number of potential predators.

How to Get Rid of Frogs

As useful as frogs can be, their midnight croaking can be highly disruptive. Add to that, tree frogs leave a lot of feces around that resembles rat droppings, and those droppings can end up all over your nice white siding.

Whether you’re dealing with one of these symptoms or merely don’t like the idea of amphibians taking up residence in your’s, there are plenty of ways to remove these critters from the property.

Frogs in the Yard

frogs in the yard

The good news is that getting frogs out of the yard will also get rid of many other pests. This is because frogs need food and shelter – the same shelter their food needs, interestingly enough.

Here are a few things that affect how inviting your yard is to frogs and what you can do about each:

  • Grass and Weeds – Frogs love a good grassy bungalow, and not just for shelter. Tall grasses can attract a number of bugs, from grasshoppers to spiders. Keep the greenery low, and you can deprive a frog of both shade and snacks. Don’t forget to remove any debris while you’re at it.
  • Night Lights – A drunkard always knows which bar is open by looking to see if the lights are on. Likewise, When a frog notices your porch or garden lights at night, he knows he can hop on in to indulge in the bug of his choice. A dark garden tells both bugs and frogs that the bar is closed for the night.
  • Snakes in a Yard! – A good snake repellent can help keep garter snakes out of the yard (and even dangerous snakes like copperheads or rattlesnakes) and is pretty safe compared to most chemical repellents. The great part is that reptiles and amphibians share quite a few traits, so the repellent is also somewhat effective against frogs.
  • Stagnant Water – Stagnant or swampy water is a welcome sight for frogs. Not only does it provide a place to lay their eggs, it also means there’ll be a lot of tasty insects, such as mosquitos. Drain, remove, or fill in any stagnant water sources to get rid of a major pest amenity.

Keep in mind that most any damp area in your yard (even your septic system) can be hospitable to frogs. Keeping frogs out of your septic tank and even your toilet is a real concern if there is access for them.

Frogs in a Pond

It can be really annoying to feel like you have to choose between your backyard pond and being frog free, but there’s really a simple solution that lets you have your cake and eat something other than frog legs too.

Simply add a circulation pump or water filter so the pond water isn’t stagnant. Not only will this discourage frogs from laying eggs, it can also deter mosquitos and other tasty frog snacks. Most occupying frogs will leave of their own accord soon after the pond water becomes active.

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Frogs in a Pool

It’s important to ensure the water pump is working properly and to keep the pool cover on when it’s not in use. However, when frogs do get into the pool, there are a few things you can do.

Frogs have sensitive skin and are less likely to hang our in a properly chlorinated pool. Treating the pool regularly will also kill any eggs or tadpoles. In some instances, the frogs may die while in the pool water.

In these cases, you can simply use your pool skimmer or a net to scoop up any frogs or frog eggs that still manage to get into the water.

See Also: 11 Types of Swimming Pool Bugs

Tree Frogs

getting rid of tree frogs

While they seem very different from ground frogs, you can get rid of tree frogs using many of the same methods. Locate their abode by checking nearby trees for piles of feces or groups of flies.

You can use glue strips to catch frogs as they drop down (vegetable oil will allow you to safely remove the frog for relocation a mile or more away). Killing the bug infestation will also go a long way towards eliminating the tree frog population, as they’ll migrate to better feeding grounds.

Related: How to Humanely Capture and Relocate a Frog

How to Kill Frogs

We never condone killing a potentially beneficial critter, but we also know there are some times when population control is an issue. Frogs, much like rabbits and other common species, can multiply rapidly and create environmental imbalance due to the reduction of natural predators. Here are a few tips for when extermination is a necessity.

Identify Your Frog (important)

While most frogs aren’t on a watch list, several species are protected or endangered. Be sure to identify the frog you want to get rid of and check local ordinances before attempting an extermination.


Tadpoles need water to survive. You can remove them from your pond with a standard aquarium net. Lay them on the sidewalk and they will dry out and die. Young tadpoles can be buried to suffocate them, as their lungs have not yet developed.


This is by far the most humane way to kill a frog. You’ll need to catch the frog first, but once you do, place it into a tupperware with air holes poked into it. Put this in your fridge overnight.

As they are cold-blooded, this will put them into a state of hibernation. Transfer the container to your freezer and leave it there for 24 hours. The cold will kill the frog without them ever being aware of what’s happening.


One of our least favorite inventions, the common mousetrap is undoubtedly effective against all manner of unsuspecting prey. You can lay these out to snap a frog’s neck and possibly kill other small prey as well.

Note, however, that these devices make for a brutal way to die. They can also seriously injure pets or small children. As a result, this method should always be used as a last resort.

Home Remedies

Sometimes the old ways are the best ways, and we’re really big fans of household remedies. The following are a few solutions that use common household products for a more eco- (and wallet) friendly solution.

Related: Keeping Frogs Out of Your Home

Does Salt Kill Frogs?

This is a bit of an old wives’ tale and a potentially nasty one at that. Salt will cause discomfort to frogs and may convince them to go elsewhere, but it won’t kill them. Unfortunately, it WILL kill nearby plants and taint the soil, so we suggest saving salt for the table.

A much better alternative is to take your used coffee grounds and sprinkle those instead. This natural frog repellent can cause the same discomfort, but has valuable nitrates that will enrich the soil and feed your plants. Just be careful not to put too much near acidic-sensitive plants.

Salad Dressing as Repellent

Vinegar and lemon juice are both excellent organic repellents that work against a wide range of pests, including frogs. Simply mix equal parts of either with water and put in a spray bottle to squirt wherever frogs are known to congregate. The acids will leave frogs hopping, but can also damage sensitive plants, so be careful where you spray it.

How to Keep Frogs Away

There are two key ways to keep frogs off your property once you’ve gotten rid of the current invaders. These methods are very simple and will also help protect your yard from a number of other pests. Note that these methods can also help against a number of other pests.

Your Swimming Pool

frogs in a pool

While they prefer swampy areas, your swimming pool can become very attractive when the conditions are right. This is especially true if the pool isn’t in use, as the water has a chance to stagnate or a drained pool collects rainwater.

Keeping the pool covered and drained when not in use are the best ways to keep the pool frog free. Having a circulation pump will also help during pool season, as the moving water will deter insects looking for a place to lay their eggs.

Of course, sometimes covering the pool isn’t an option, especially when summer’s at its hottest. That’s why using a product such as the popular FrogLog can become important.

HYDROTOOLS BY SWIMLINE ORIGINAL 70200 FrogLog Animal Saving Escape Ramp For...
  • [HIGHLY EFFECTIVE] Allows animals to easily escape to safety when accidentally...
  • [CRITTER SAVING DEVICE] Critter saving escape ramp for Frogs Toads Salamanders...
  • [EASY SET-UP] Simple design makes for an easy set-up, assembly, and placement...

While still a new product, Critter Clear is another anti-drowning tool that shows a lot of promise and seems to work great for a wider range of critters than the aforementioned FrogLog. Where it differs from the competition is that it also prevents frogs and other critters from being sucked into the skimmer completely.

These products are designed to give frogs and similar critters a way out of the water before they drown (remember, chlorine can have nasty effects on frogs, who are normally great swimmers).

See Also: How to Get Water Bugs Out of Your Pool

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Your Yard

Once you’ve gotten rid of any frogs infesting the yard, it’s easy to keep them from your yard or garden. Keeping the grass short and the area free of debris is a great way to discourage a variety of pests, including frogs.

Snake repellent or a chicken wire fence (be sure to extend it a foot or so underground!) can both provide an effective barrier. Finally, introducing natural predators such as cats (be sure the frogs are non-poisonous!), hawks, and owls.

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63 thoughts on “How to Get Rid of Frogs”

  1. My pool is not working right now so it’s got lots of loud frogs screaming their lungs out every night. I just can’t take it anymore. Nothing gets rid of them , pine sol, bleach, vinegar, moth balls, septic cleaner, I have tried everything short of chlorine which is so expensive since the pool is more like a pond. 🙁 help!!!!

    • That sounds like a pretty extreme case, all right. The fact that they’re resisting chemicals such as bleach means chlorine probably won’t work either.

      The best thing you can do at this point outside of opening a restaurant selling frog legs is to drain the pool out. You can buy or rent a water pump to aid in this process, making sure any water supply to the pool is shut off. Once drained, it will be much easier to deal with the infestation.

      Live traps and nets can both do wonders, allowing you to remove most of the frogs and get a light workout in at the same time. Remember that insects and moisture are the two biggest attraction for frogs, so a dry pool will mean less chance of the frogs returning once removed. You’ll want to invest in a pool cover to prevent insects from breeding in the pool and try to keep it drained during the winter months.

      Another, more extreme method is to get a professional to electrify the pool. DO NOT do this yourself! Sending a charge through the pool can kill everything living in it, but is also a very dangerous trick. Note that an exterminator won’t use this method if they suspect any of the frogs are on the protected or endangered lists, so try to identify your intruders before calling around so you’ll get the best options and price estimates.

      • Omg!!!! I cant take it anymore!… Honestly I’d rather my fingernails be ripped off it’s that horrifically mind blowing irritated you you can even go in my backyard yard I can’t even smoke a damn cigarette in peace!

  2. what about bullfrogs? they are HUGE and have no natural predators; plus they eat the good guys! – tree frogs, salamanders, garter snakes, ETC. and their noise is deafening. would a recirculating pump deter them from coming back to a pond, once they’ve set up residence?

    • Bullfrogs and their smaller kin set up shop in your pool or pond because of bugs. Having a recirculation pump or something else (decorative water mills, waterfalls, etc.) that keeps the water moving will make these bodies of water inhospitable to bugs. Bullfrogs (like people) aren’t fond of sitting down at an empty table and will thus be far less likely to return to your pond.

      • I’ve found a recirculating pump (plus two aerators) does NOTHING to keep bullfrogs away from my 8′ x 11′ pond. They should be living in the natural pond nearby, but a few prefer my pond. I’ve caught frogs in the past with my fish net, but now, because of several lilies (with lily pads) and other plants, the two currently in my pond have so far been impossible to catch. I want them gone, but there they are. They sit on the side and jump into the pond as soon as I com near. The good news is they haven’t bothered my goldfish, not even the tiny ones. The bad news is they eat birds.

      • help, toads have invaded our garage, I keep relocating them but they keep coming back. I put nail polish on their backs so it is primarily the same ones. Dont want to kill them but whoever heard of homing frogs!

      • Bullfrogs eat bugs — but they also eat birds (whole, live, like snakes do!), fish (same; they’re try, anyway, and wound the fish if they can’t get it in one go); and virtually anything that moves. Update to my post below: I now HAVE lost fish to the bullfrogs. Eight of them this spring. Bullfrogs are invasive in the Midwest (and in all places outside the southeast). They’re a menace as far as I’m concerned. I’ve lost many fish to them, especially early in the spring when the insects aren’t out yet.

  3. Every spring those pesty tree frogs help themselves to my above ground pool. They’ve laid eggs in a clear sac twice now. I tired of cleaning my pool behind them and the nighttime noise is unbearable. HELP HELP!

    • The good thing about an above ground pool is that you can get a cover for it. Try keeping the pool covered when not in use. This will not only keep frogs (and bugs) away from the water, but it can also reduce how often you’ll need to clean debris from the pool. The lack of a breeding area should also help reduce the number of frogs, especially if you start using deterrents around the yard.

  4. I catch the frogs with a leaf catcher net when they sit around my pool at night then I place them in a trash can and put a lid on it this kills them and then I can sleep again. Save your money the frogs become immune to bleach, moth balls, coffee grounds, etc.

    • Hi! We have a new home of 5 months, and we put in a Koi pond. No problem at all until this past week. All of a sudden this tiny tree frog showed up croaking at the moon every night. Now there’s a second one and they’re croaking almost in stereo now. They are at the pond right outside not far from the patio and our bedroom window. We have two water filters, a fountain in the center, and a small water fall, so there’s water moving constantly. It’s about 1,000 gallons, so not a huge pond at all. There’s a few bugs here and there, of course, but no infestation. Just a normal backyard, or seemed so. We saw the little throat bubble on one, so is that the male? Could he be calling a mate? Help! We won’t harm the frogs, but how do we deter them? I’m afraid more will be joining our pair soon. Thank you.

      • Other than making sure any “cover” for the frogs is cleared out around the pond (tall grass, weeds, etc.), it sounds like you’re doing everything right. Since it’s only a couple of them, catching them with a small net and relocating is probably the best option. Yes, he could very well be calling a mate. It may be cute for a while but then becomes annoying, especially if close to a bedroom.

    • In all but the most extreme cases, yes. Frogs want still water because bugs breed in it, and the chemicals will make it a poor spot to breed.

  5. I have no pool or ponds. No shrubbery around house. 1 acre fenced for dogs that eat inside. I use vinegar 2 KILL them. How do I keep them of my house & porches. Salt water bucket with drop light, no help. Mouse glue trips out of question. Have researched 3 years with no answers. Going to town tomorrow to get coffee grounds this will be my last try. We are in a 8 inch deficit for rain fall. I am almost ready to throw in towel. Any other home grown suggestions out there

    • There must be a source of water somewhere nearby for them to keep appearing like that, which would explain why your attempts are meeting with limited success. You may need to hire an exterminator to locate their water source and breeding ground before you can get rid of them permanently.

  6. We put in a pool last summer. And the frogs drive us crazy, especially after a large train, we live in a new subdivision called Arbor Creek. And consequently when it rains the creek is behind our house so there are many amphibians that live back in those woods. We have fenced in, but after a rain the frogs just come in. Don’t know how to keep them out of my yard. I fished out 20 last night, at least half a dozen that were mating (coupled on top of each other). Would like to know what I can put around the perimeter of my fence to prevent them from getting in.

    • Living close to nature has its perks, but also some major drawbacks. A fence is a good tactic, but it will need to be extra secure to keep frogs from squeezing past. A finely meshed fence will help prevent small frogs from getting in, so line as you extend the fence at least six inches underground. This also has the benefit of repelling many burrowing critters. Be sure the fence covers you entire perimeter, or they may simply go around it.

      You can also get a pool cover and work to attract more natural predators into the area to help encourage frogs and other amphibians to hang out elsewhere.

    • Install a low voltage ‘hot wire’ inside your fence. Must be placed down low. Be careful of dried weeds, grasses. Could catch on fire. This ‘hot wire’ is like the kind used for horses, dogs. Very low voltage, but will give them a zap if they touch it. Might want to check this idea with experts.

  7. My neighbor put in a running water fountain and it has attracted horrible bull frogs. We can’t even sit on our new covered patio. Sounds like the running water is t deterring them. Any thought?

    • My guess is that the fountain has been determined to be the best source of water in the vicinity. Ask the neighbor to treat the water with chemicals and set some live traps. Bull frogs are more resilient than their smaller kin, so it may require a team effort to fully eliminate the fountain infestation.

  8. Without knowing how to tell time, my dogs know exactly what time the frogs come out.,,, every evening. I have to go out and supervise the dogs. They want to play with the frogs and end up with a why frothy mouth. This gets old.

  9. My pool is chlorinated and runs 8 hours a day. The frogs lay their eggs at night and hide during the day. I have to brush and skim the eggs away each morning.
    I like the idea of snake repellent as I have several harmless black snakes in my garden around the pool but wont getting rid of the snakes also eliminate a natural predator?
    The frogs don’t seem to mind the chlorinated running water.
    Should I use snake repellent?

    • Unfortunately, even chlorinated water sometimes doesn’t deter frogs. Do you have a pool cover you can use at night? You could always try the repellent. It’s not permanent method so if it’s not giving you the results you need, it will fade away over time. Some say sprinkling used coffee grounds around an area also acts as a frog deterrent.

  10. We’ve have a few bulfrogs in the yard and Coffee Grounds worked for a good month…. then became non-effective. I’m a bit freaked out now as there are—- what’s seems to be—— HUNDREDS of tiny tiny baby frogs hanging out in the yard at night! Like you can’t barely see them until you’re right up on them and they alll start jumping away. I need them gone NOT because of the noise (they don’t make any… I don’t know why kind they are but I’ve never heard them…) rather, my concern is for the safety of my dog Laela! She’s a Maltese/Yorkie mix … only 11lbs., and I cant let her out at night anymore because of these damn things! They’re VERY poisonous :-(.
    I don’t want to kill them…. but I need them gone. Help!

    • If these weren’t a poisonous species, I’d say trapping would be a good option. However, since you’ve identified them as a poisonous species, the sheer number means removal should be done quickly before they find a way into your home. This would be one of those times when hiring a professional is the best choice, as they can get rid of the frogs and help you set up better repellent options to keep them away.

  11. I fished 33 tree frogs out of my highly chlorinated pool this morning. I don’t have a cover but wonder if a solar cover would even be helpful. I am so tired of the gross eggs & poo. We turn our pool off at night to save on electricity. Do you think this is inviting these creatures?

    • I would recommend keeping the pump on at night for a few nights to test it out. But if they’re still around, yes a solar cover would definitely help. Not only will it cover the pool but frogs aren’t too fond of warm water.

  12. After weeks of extremely loud noises from toads/frogs that took up residence in shrubbery by the side of a green swimming pool, the shrubs have been removed and there are dozens of tiny brownish colored critters in the pool, generally seen clinging to the side just above the waterline or resting on some bubble wrap that blew in. They are less than an inch long and probably 3/4 an inch wide. There’s no place they can easily get out. When I come along, they jump in the water and seem to be white instead of brown. I can see their tiny hind legs when they’re near the surface, but they also dive a foot or two beneath the water.

    The pool is going to be rehabbed soon, and I don’t want to kill them. I’d like to know what these might be and how I could safely relocate them to a creek or something.

    Any ideas would be welcomed.

  13. I can’t eliminate the water source because I live near a gully. I just don’t understand why out of all of the homes in my neighborhood, my house seems to have them the worse. I live on the opposite side of it. There are homes right in front of the gully that doesn’t have this problem. There are more and more starting to show up. They are all over the porch and door. And they are hiding in the cracks and crevices of my vehicles. I just need something to keep them away that also won’t ruin the paint on my cars.

  14. Hi I have an irrigation canal or ditch behind my home that is full with water but it’s flowing water it’s always moving. In the past few weeks hundreds of frogs about an inch in size have invaded my yard. My yard is mostly dirt there’s not any grass to speak of. There’s been a lot of gophers tunneling from the canal into my yard and I see these frogs exiting from the tunnels too
    My biggest concern is my two dogs they are eating these frogs and I don’t want that to happen. I don’t know if it’s dangerous but it’s gross regardless. What can I do the water source is not on my property but it is constantly flowing. I find these frogs everywhere in the dirt. They are pretty dark almost black in color. How can be rid of these things ??

    • While gross, frogs are not poisonous to dogs (with the exception of actual poisonous frogs found in rainforests and such). Toads on the other hand can be poisonous. Living near a canal, the chance for having unwanted critters in your yard is unfortunately going to be high. My yard backs to an irrigation pond so I can relate to the critter struggle.

      If the frogs are getting to your yard via the gopher tunnels, getting rid of the gophers would be a good first step. Usually they don’t appear in high numbers so using poison or a kill trap would be a good start. Then you’ll want to fill up the tunnels. Depending on your area, you should start seeing less frogs naturally as the cooler temperatures come. Using some of the repellent tips above will also help.

      • Certain Frogs are very poisonous to dogs! We live in Arizona and have a natural poisonous bull frog. If your dogs or cats eat them they will die. We here about it every year. Our fish pond is invaded every year best solution is a bb or pellet gun!

  15. Morgan!

    Oh. My. Lawd.

    I’m an animal lover and can hardly stand to kill the cute little buggers, but they are making TONS of holes in my backyard. What can I do to make them go away for good? We don’t have any pools, standing water or much of any water (aside from sump pump drainage) outside the house, but the holes.. are… everywhere. It’s getting to be a problem because we just moved into our new house and I want a nice front and back area.

    Any tips?

    • It sounds like you may have an underlying pest problem. remember, critters will often show up when they have easy food or water, and digging frogs suggests you might have some form of insect infestation. Try to examine the holes or untouched ground near concentrations of holes and see if you can spot any bugs they might be munching on. If you can identify an insect problem, getting rid of the bugs should also get rid of the frogs.

  16. I have seen a tremendous amount of baby frogs at night after it rains. Tons hopping all over my yard. I have dogs that will eat them so it is a pain to not be able to let them out at night without a leash. Any idea as to why this year I am seeing so many?

  17. It’s funny to see all these people trying to kill these frogs like you aren’t the one moving into their homes. Just man up and bear with the noise. Take the eggs and throw them in a local pond. Stop killing native animals for no reason.

  18. I LOVE the sound of a screeching tree frog at night! It lulls me to sleep. If you don’t like the sound of nature, go move to the city where you can listen to cars and sirens all night. People trying to kill off other natural creatures created by God – this is why the population of such species is declining. How sad will it be when your great grandchildren don’t know anything about lightning bugs and have no clue what they look like??

    • I am afraid of frogs. After buying our home the builder put a pond behind us. What is the best way to deter frogs on my porch. I’ve tried vinegar and water, snake repellent, and moth balls. The vinegar didn’t work. Snake repellent lasted less than a week. I don’t want to kill them but don’t like poop on garbage lid and side walk and vinyl siding

      • Did you ever find a solution? I can’t seem to get rid of tree frogs on my porch. They leave their poop all over my porch and shutters.

  19. My frog infestation is in my clock on the wall on my block cement wall . Then under my Yates umbrella on my deck there are over 12 frogs all sizes I am not near any water. They have even gotten in my house and make terrible noises what should I do???

    • Frogs are really good at squeezing in through tight spots or if a door was briefly left open. They sometimes enter through outside vent pipes which connect to the sewer pipes and the frog will appear in a toilet bowl. The trick is finding how they’re getting in and screening off the entry point. Even if there’s no water, they are attracted to bugs which like to hang around exterior lights. Some even eat pet food so make sure there’s no dog/cat dish on the deck.

  20. If you love frogs you should live in the woods, in the water, or outside with them. I hate them, I hate their noises, their eggs, their poop…I literally hate them. I have an above ground pool an have wooded area all around my home…I tried everything except muric acid..I spray my yard to rid insections, I’ve used vinegar and water, I’ve used salt, I had a black snake once that ate them, it was the best summer of my life…until it was aggressive towards my grandchildren on the deck, and would not stop so we had to kill it. There is another, but I think it either doesn’t bother the frogs or there are too many for it to eat…Did I mention, I HATE frogs, and no I won’t live in the city this is the home we built, raised our children in and enjoy with our grands…so the frogs need to pack it up and move.

  21. I definitely have to disagree with the article about salt NOT killing frogs and toads.. I am assuming this is the same case for frogs, but just last night I found two frogs mating outside my bedroom sliding door.. I freaked out of course and rushed to grab a big can of salt, I covered one of them with salt and it jumped away, but the other way I was able to cover with salt, and I mean COVER it! It was a snowman alright. The next morning I went to check the last place I had seen it jump to, and it was there hidden under some pipes, dead as a rock, I pushed it out with a shovel, put it in a box and then in the trash.. good thing today was today for garbage pick up day!

  22. I’m infested with toads and Long nose frogs and the noises deafening. But running water and aerators and waterfalls doesn’t work. These are natural elements in the wild to begin with and they’re useless to deter a frog from doing what a frog’s going to do. The best way to get rid of them is pick them up at night and toss them into your neighbor’s yard. Make sure that there’s no entry point for them under your fence to get back into your yard. Once you clear your yard of them physically and they have no way to crawl under your fence or through a hole in the ground. Then you’ll be rid of the frogs otherwise you’re stuck with them in. 55 years I’ve had nothing but problems with toads and frogs in my pond and yard every year. I collected and tossed them last night. I got 22 and no sooner did I sit down there was five more. They popped up out of nowhere. With excellent camouflage these creatures do a lot of great good for the environment too. But no! Frogs don’t only live in muddy water they like clean water too. Trust me my pond is immaculately clear and clean with no smell to it and not stagnant. Running water ,air bubbles ,fish I have everything and I am besieged by them every year. Some years not so much but during droughts especially that’s when they come out. Cuz they got to breed and remember frogs are getting harder and harder to find now. Environments changing and it’s killing off the wildlife so keep in mind when you want to kill a toad or a frog you’re really just killing yourself God bless have a good day I’m off my soapbox.

  23. I moved into a brand new home last summer and in a few months, I had these frogs living on my front porch, hanging out on my lanterns by the front door and over the arches that went over my front windows and on the columns attached to the porch in the front. They were a color similar to a dead turkey or chicken that you stuffed and put in the oven for dinner. I found out that they are called Cuban tree frogs and here in Citrus County, Fl are considered a species that should not be here. They actually kill out native frogs. I found out from a person from the University of Florida about them and how to get them off of my porch. One way was with vinegar, I was told to put some in a spray bottle mixed with water and spray the areas that they congregated and I did. When I went to spray the top of my lantern by my front door, this disgusting, dead-looking creature actually jumped down to the ground by my feet and as I went to leave, it chased me!! I was horrified and being the chicken that I am, I ran inside scared to go out on the porch. I initially didn’t want to kill them, per se just deter them from taking up residence on my newly built front porch but at this point, I got so fed up so I really didn’t care if I killed them or not. I pulled out the big guns, and instead of vinegar I used bleach and water and it did work eventually. They did stop coming around for a few weeks and then one day I saw one hanging out again so I got out my spray bottle and it ran. I now just use bleach to clean my porch floors, take my hose on the jet setting, and get my porch looking beautiful and on top of that, it is Cuban Tree frog free. I have to spray around the window arches and the column arches but it is a small thing to do to keep those ugly things out of my sight! That was last year, now, this year, I have armadillos tearing up my lawn and I came face to face with a coral snake the other day slithering out of the woods as I was tending my veggie garden. I am a 75-year-old lady, not in the best health and it seems to be taking 90% of my energy just to take care of these critters. Does anyone have any suggestions, short of hiring someone to deal with all of these problematic critters since I can’t afford that on my Social Security payment. I am praying that there is something that I can do, I do not want to move, I love my home! Thanks in advance for any suggestions.


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