How to Get Rid of Weevils (and Keep Them Out of Your Pantry)

get rid of weevils

There’s a hidden war in the insect world, a war of good and weevil, in which the pantry is often a battlefield. These tiny critters can pop up seemingly out of nowhere destroying garden crops or even the boxed goods in your pantry before you even open them. But how do they accomplish this terrible … Read more

How to Get Rid of Asian Lady Beetles

how to get rid of Asian lady beetles

One evening, you happen to notice a ladybug in your home. After a few minutes, you spot another one, then another. They seem to be gathering on the windows and around the lights. Upon further inspection, you also notice they look a little more pale than normal. Contrary to what you might’ve been told, these … Read more

How to Get Rid of Carpet Beetles

bugs in carpet

There are a lot of critters that invade our homes, some of which get confused with other pests. One in particular is a tiny group of beetles that are often mistaken for roaches. These beetles are quite common, yet few people know their true identity beyond the nickname carpet beetle. These critters are a strange … Read more

9 Bugs That Look Like Black Sesame Seeds (or Poppy Seeds)

bugs that look like black sesame seeds

You often hear people on the news talking about how there are too many people in the world, yet the human race is just one of millions (if not more) species on this planet – and we’re actually one of the smaller ones in terms of numbers. In fact, the world of bugs has us … Read more